$79.00 CAD
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What beautiful way to celebrate any occasion with this dozen light pink hand tied roses bouquet. It is a stunning arrangement that exudes beauty and grace. Each of these light pink roses is upkept, and carefully hand-selected, which are then expertly arranged by skilled florists to create this captivating bouquet with its soft, romantic hues.
Sometimes we cannot find the right words to express our feelings and sending a bouquet of these beautiful roses expresses your sentiments of admiration, gratitude, and love. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or simply want to brighten someone's day, these roses symbolize sweetness and admiration.
Use our same day flower delivery in Toronto and GTA when ordered before 11am, Monday through Saturday. You can trust us to deliver your flower orders with efficiency and care, to arrive on time for any occasion you may be celebrating. You can be surprising a family member at home or a friend/co-worker at the office, and these will arrive when you need them and in pristine condition.
Celebrate all of life's greatest occasions, and make it one to remember by sending thsi dozen light pink roses bouquet. There is nothing better than receiving a classy bouquet of roses to your doorstep.