$155.00 CAD
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The 12 Red Roses Birthday Basket Includes:
A DOZEN RED ROSES- A bouquet of 12 gorgeous and vibrant red roses. They are striking by appearance and a wonderful gift to provide to someone to celebrate their birthday.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MILK CHOCOLATE BAR- Themed pacakged milk chocolate bar that is sweet and a must have for all chocolate lovers.
DARK CHOCOLATE- Another staple to enjoy is this wonderful dark chocolate bar that is rich and sweet.
SHORTBREAD COOKIES- Enjoy the crunch of these shortbread cookies that are infused with chocolate chips.
CARAMEL POPCORN- If you need a sweet treat, this caramel flavored popcorn is an excellent choice and sweet snack.
COCOA TRUFFLES- Chocolate truffles that are small and flavorful that will melt in your mouth with their rich texture.
SCROCCHI CRACKERS- Flavored small crackers that are great on their own, or can be enjoyed with cheeses and dips.
PRETZELS- Some savoury mix to this basket with delicious pretzel twists.
COOKIE IT UP- Amazing take on chocolate chip cookies with small pieces of delicious goodness.
HARDBITE CHIPS- Made with non GMO products, these healthier chips are full of flavor and crunch.
BROWN FABRIC BASKET- A gorgeous gift basket that holds the gift and is an excellent way to tie the gift together overall.